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Friday, November 25, 2011

An Experiment to use with Blaise Pascal's Biography: "A Piece of the Mountain"

The Experimental Method:

Pascal's father taught him to think for himself using the "Experimental Method." This meant that to investigate an idea one should first state the idea as a "problem". Blaise might have stated the problem as, "Is there a connection between sound and vibration?" Next, his father taught him to make an "hypothesis". An hypothesis is the scientist's guess of what the answer is. Blaise guessed that sound is vibration. Then Blaise was required to design an experiment to test his hypothesis. What do you think Blaise did? After he tried the experiment he had to record his "observations". Only after many experiments was Blaise allowed to "interpret the data" and make a "conclusion".

An experiment on Sound:

Complete the lab sheet (you may copy it into a word processing program to print). The "Problem", "Hypothesis", and "Experiment" sections are already filled in for you.

An Experiment on Sound

Performed by:___________________________________


The Problem: Is there a connection between vibration and sound?

The Hypothesis: Sound is vibration.

The Experiment: Fill several glasses with different amounts of water. Strike each glass gently with a spoon.

Observations: Do the glasses sound the same?

What happens when you place your hand on the glass right after you strike it?

What happens when your hand is holding the glass at the same time that you strike it?

Interpretation: What have you discovered?

Conclusion: Is there a connection between vibration and sound? Can you think of other ways to experiment with sound?

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